Brîndușa Palade
Office: Bd. Expoziției Nr. 30A, birou 719 E-mail: brindusa.palade[at] CV: Click for CV |
Teaches Political Ethics; Critical Thinking; Religion and Religious Fundamentalism.
Current research interests: Political Theory and Ethics, Environmentalism, Comparative Study of Religious Fundamentalisms, Personalist Philosophy.
Brindusa Palade is an associate professor at the Faculty of Political Science (SNSPA, Bucharest). She authored many books, among which the first two monographs in Romanian on Edith Steins' personalist philosophy, Her latest book is Infinitul fara nume. Citeva reflectii despre paradoxurile credintei (The Nameless Infinite: A Few Reflections on the Paradoxes of Faith, Galaxia Gutenberg, 2013). She co-authored more recently Promises of 1968: Crisis, Illusion, and Utopia, edited by V. Tismaneanu (CEU Press, 2011), Ripartire da Edith Stein. La scoperta di alcuni manoscritti inediti, edited by P. Manganaro and F. Nodari (Morcelliana, 2014), Edmund Husserl e Edith Stein. Due filosofi in dialogo, edited by A. Ales Bello and F. Alfieri (Morcelliana, 2015), She published scientific articles inAnnalecta Husserliana, Persona, Romanian Journal of Science and Theology, Krisis, Chora, Forum Philosophicum, Perspective politice. |