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Raluca Grosescu
Office: Bd. Expoziției Nr. 30A E-mail: raluca.grosescu[at]politice.ro, ralucagrosescu[at]gmail.com CV: Click for CV |
Teaches Business and Human Rights & Justice and Memory after Dictatorships and Violent Conflicts. Current research interests: Post-Dictatorial/Post-Conflict Justice; Business and Human Rights; International Criminal and Humanitarian Law; Political Sociology, Transnationalism I am a Lecturer in politics at the Faculty of Political Science (SNSPA). My research focuses and post-dictatorial justice and memory in Eastern Europe and Latin America and the global history of international criminal law. My latest monograph, Justice and Memory after Dictatorship: Latin America, Central Eastern Europe and the Fragmentation of International Criminal Law was published by Oxford University Press in 2024. I am also the author of Les Communistes dans l’Après-Communisme. Trajectoires de Conversion Politiques de la Nomenklatura Roumaine après 1989 (Paris: Michel Houdiard, 2012) and the co-editor of Transitional Criminal Justice in Post-Dictatorial and Post-Conflict Societies (Cambridge, Intersentia, 2015). I am currently the Principal Investigator of two international projects: Transnational Advocacy Networks and Corporate Accountability for Major International Crimes (ERC Consolidator Grant, 2021-2026) & The Role of State Socialist Countries of Central Eastern Europe in the Development of International Law after 1945 (Romanian Research Council Grant – UEFISCDI, 2021-2024). |