Politica si Societate Europeana

MA in European Politics and Society
Program taught in English
Duration: 2 years (120 ECTS credits)
Program coordinators: Cristian Pîrvulescu; Claudiu Craciun
Contact person: Claudiu Craciun: claudiu.craciun@politice.ro


The MA Program is open to all graduates and professionals interested in the social and political processes in Europe and their EU-level dynamic. The Program focuses on key social and political actors - institutions, parties, trade-unions, companies, NGO’s and their interactions in shaping the national and EU institutions and policies. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, the courses follow closely the interdependence of political, social, economic and environmental factors. In a rather unique approach for the country and the region, the program offers new and insightful courses addressing the European social, environmental and migration issues. The program will also train the students in improving their social research and analysis skills.

To who is the program addressed?

The Program is primarily to the political and social science graduates but also to professionals from public administration, civil society, parties and mass-media working in EU related issues and projects. The applicants should have a fair command of the English language, and it is expected to be improved during the studies.


The Program will offer various mobility and extracurricular opportunities, from participation to academic debates to joining staff research projects. The students enrolled in the program can apply to the Erasmus program and spend one semester abroad (more details here). The students enrolled in the program will be part of an internship program in which they will be placed in various public and non-profit institutions for a period of at least two weeks.

Courses (selection):

1st year

European Union politics - Claudiu Crăciun

Data analysis methods - Aurelian Muntean

Social stratification and mobility – Cătălin Augustin Stoica  

Social movements in Europe - Henry Rammelt

Applied research of European institutions and policies - Arpad Todor

European Union Policies - Diana Iancu

European Identities - Gruia Bădescu

The selection of political elites in Europe – Laurentiu Stefan

Varieties of capitalism - Aurelian Muntean.

2nd year

The construction of the labor market and the collective negotiations institutions in Europe -  Todor Arpad.

European and international labor law  - Radu Popescu

Environmental policies and sustainable development in the EU - Todor Arpad

The sociology of interest groups – Aurelian Muntean

Immigration and asylum policy in Europe – Cristian Pirvulescu / Claudiu Crăciun

Climate change, Social movements and capitalism – Andrada Nimu

Party Organization - Claudiu Craciun

Government, parties and political elites - Laurentiu Stefan

The course and seminar sessions are scheduled in the afternoon or evening.

Student support.

There are a number of tuition free places available to students. The students who graduated a tuition free MA program in Romania already will have to cover the cost of the program.

Student testimonials.

We are committed to offer the students an interesting educational experience. Here is what students currently enrolled in the program think:

Dumitrita Scutari: It is a solid and up to date program which I would warmly recommend to any student passionate about politics. Only one semester into the program my knowledge on European political institutions already improved. Moreover the program gives up perspectives from sociology, social movements, and local development. I think it is a sound base for a future professional career.

Radu Pace:  It is a program that gives students a great advantage: places them in the avant-garde. The study of social movements, European institutions, or economic policy helped me analyze and accurately break down the most complex problems around me. Professors are very open and often spend time to give us suggestions or to discuss course topics or real life events.

Bogdan Bîrgovan: This master program was a great opportunity to pursue my passion for politics and offered me the analytical tools to better understand the society we live in. The course and seminar readings are very interesting and made me look in new ways at the reality around us. Some courses are more advanced and are suited for students who plan to enroll in a PhD program.

Pentru a participa la concursul de admitere este necesară elaborarea și încărcarea pe site a unei scurte scrisori de intenție/motivare (care să documenteze motivația candidatului / candidatei și interesul pentru tematica programului de studiu) și susținerea acesteia în cadrul unui interviu care se va desfășura online.

Condițiile specifice pentru redactarea scrisorii (aceasta trebuie să conțină):

  • detalii despre motivația alegerii domeniului de studiu Științe Politice sau Sociologie / a programului de studiu ales ca primă opțiune;
  • detalii despre interesele de studiu și/sau experiența profesională a candidatului;
  • enunțarea unui subiect de cercetare relevant pentru tematica programului de studiu ales ca primă opțiune;
  • așteptările candidatului cu privire la programul masteral ales ca primă opțiune.

Pentru redactarea scrisorii de motivare/intenție puteți utiliza acest model. Dimensiunea scrisorii nu trebuie să depășească 1000 de cuvinte și vă rugăm să inserați la final CV-ul dvs.
Interviu online: mai exact, interviul presupune susținerea scrisorii de motivare/intenție.


  1. Accesati http://admitere.snspa.ro/inscriere-online-la-snspa/ pentru a va crea contul de utilizator necesar.
  2. Completati (toate detaliile necesare sunt oferite in Ghidul primit pe email la confirmarea contului) paginile contului dumneavoastra si oferiti toate informatiile care va sunt solicitate. Platforma este intuitiva si veti fi in cel mai scurt timp o candidata sau un candidat valoros la programul masteral dorit! Accesarea sectiunii Utile va poate oferi raspunsuri la intrebarile care apar frecvent.
  3. Pentru intrebari punctuale despre admiterea la programele de masterat ale FSP, va rugam sa ne scrieti la adresa: secretariat@politice.ro.